2D Animation
Chester & Lucille
2022 Spring Student Short Film
- I was the director and did half of the animation, made the animatic and created the sound design
- Animated in Toon Boom Harmony, composited in After Effects.
- Won “Best Sophomore Animated Film” – HUAZ 2022
- 41K views on YouTube within a few weeks
Selected and shown at the 2023 Phoenix Film Festival in the Arizona Shorts B category.
BEA Festival of Media Arts 2023 – Award of Excellence
Pitch Video
Animated in Toon Boom Harmony, composited in After Effects. A proof of concept test animation for a potential film pitch.
Youth – Daughter
Music Video
I combined video footage captured on my phone, snippets of stock video, and animation to create a short music video with lyrics. This was a university assignment, not an ‘official’ music video for the artist Daughter.